Financial Transparency Details
The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities requires parish councils, internal drainage boards, charter trustees and port health authorities with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 to publish certain information set out in the code. This enables local electors and local taxpayers to access relevant information about the authority’s accounts and governance.
Authorities with total turnover or expenditure between £25,001 and £199,999 are not covered by either transparency code, but are still subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
Parish and town councils with annual turnover in excess of £200,000 should as best practice comply with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.
Marden Parish Council now has an annual turnover in excess of £200,000. Therefore from 1st April 2024 only transactions over £500 are required under the Transparency Code.
Marden PC's list of income and expenditure over £100 for each financial year since 2018/2019 up to 31st March 2024.