Amenities Committee Minutes/Agendas
Please note Amenities Committee meetings will be held at The Allens, Albion Road, Marden from 22nd February 2022.
Following the end of Covid-19 Legislation allowing Parish Councils to hold virtual meetings Marden Parish Council has now resumed face to face meetings.
Due to social distancing a risk assessment has been undertaken of the hall and you can see view this at: Risk Assessments - Marden Parish Council Marden, Tonbridge, Kent - Marden Parish Council, Marden, Tonbridge (
Unfortunately due to the layout of the hall only a limited number of members of the public will be permitted to attend meetings. If you wish to attend a meeting please contact the Deputy Clerk so that we can monitor the number in attendance. Masks and hand sanitisers are available at the door.
If you have something you wish to raise either with Council or on an item on the agenda you are welcome to send this to the Deputy Clerk prior to the meeting for it to be raised on your behalf.
Due to the Website Accessibility Regulations coming into force in September 2020 Minutes from September 2018 have had to be adapted as to be accessible to all. If you are still experiencing issues in reading these please let Ali know on 01622 832305 or email [email protected]
Please scroll down to see 2021/22 Amenities Committee Minutes and current agenda.
Marden Parish Council Amenities Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm. Agendas are published the Tuesday before each meeting and are advertised on notice boards around the parish and on here.
The next Amenities Committee meeting will be held on 22nd February 2022 commencing at 7.30pm at The Allens, Albion Road, Marden (opposite Stanleys Garage)
Cllrs sitting on the Amenities Committee are:
Cllr Richard Adam
Cllr Chris Barker
Cllr Matt Besant
Cllr Anne Boswell (Chairman)
Cllr Ian Newton
Cllr Jean Robertson (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr Kate Tippen
Cllr Andy Turner
Rachel Weeks clerks the Amenities Committee