Council Participation
All Parish Councillors are involved within the community and engage with village groups. See below to view some of things being done/planned:
Visit to Marden Primary Academy
Talks with Marden Station regarding the frontage with the assistance of Marden in Bloom
Marden Youth Club
Other Village Groups
Visit to Marden Primary Academy 21052024
In May 2022 Cllrs Matt Besant and Andy Turner visited Marden Primary Academy to speak to pupils regarding development and building and on 21st May 2024 they were invited to return to speak to Year 3 pupils about development in the village.
In year 3 this term, they studied maps (old and new) and went on a village walk to look at open spaces, types of housing and amenities in order to find out how places change and the effect this has on people and the place.
During the last phase of their learning journey, they has designed their own housing estate to include the desirable features that they have observed (open space, play areas, tiled / weatherboarded fronts, picket fencing, etc) but also with sustainable features such as solar panels or an allotment.
See below for photos, letter from the teacher and children together with some of the children's designs.
Marden Railway Station
Marden Parish Council is looking at Station adoption groups who can help take things to the next level, in terms of providing a more welcoming environment, often through maintaining garden area and planters. Some groups also organise events at their station. Each station and community have their own individuality, and it’s down to the adopters to decide how much or how little they do.
The Parish Clerk along with Cllr Anne Boswell, also representing Marden in Bloom, are meeting with representatives of South Eastern to discuss the above and look at ways of improving the frontage of the railway station including tidying of the area and planting the planters. More details will be available after their meeting on June.

Youth Club
The KCC led youth club at the John Banks Hall was unable to continue however Outreach sessions have been held in the village but unfortunately the leader was moved on within the organisation.
Marden Parish Council is pleased to announce the return of Natalie Penfold who, for those who can remember, run a very successful youth club for many years in Marden.
The Clerk and several Cllrs will be meeting with Natalie shortly to discuss how the youth club can be brought back to Marden.
Watch this space!
Other Groups
Being involved with other village groups and organisations Cllrs are able to engage with residents and take issues/comments back from these groups to the Parish Council:
Cllrs Anne Boswell and Kate Tippen are very much involved with Marden in Bloom and Marden Dementia Group attending meetings and lunches on a regular basis to meet with the community and bring back to Parish Council any comments, issues or concerns raised along with information as to how MPC can assist.
Cllr Adrian Rabot works with Police Cadets who attend Parish Council organised activities including litter pick, tree planting, play scheme etc.
Cllrs Adam and Newton are involved with the Marden History and Heritage Group
Cllr Gibson liaises with the Residents Associations and the Management Company for the Redrow estates within the village.
Cllrs Boswell and Tippen are also members of the Patient Participation Group at Marden Medical with Cllr Tippen sitting on the Committee. They are also members of the Community Engagement Forum where leaders of community groups meet to exchange information.
Cllr Boswell is active member of Marden Wildlife Group
Cllrs Newton (who is also Chairman) and Turner are Trustees of the Marden Memorial Hall along with Cllr Tippen and the Clerk.