Changing Room proposal
Marden Parish Council has now reviewed the feedback and a report will be submitted to the July Full Council with details on the next stage.

Marden Parish Council, following a consultation held in 2023, has had plans drawn up for the refurbishment of the changing rooms at Marden Playing Field.
An open morning has been planned for Saturday 9th March 9.30am to 12.30pm at the Vestry Hall with the consultation period running from 1st March to 12th April 2024.
MPC is asking for further feedback on three questions:
(1) What are your thoughts about this plan?
(2) Is there anything you would change about the plan?
(3) Who would you like to see using the building.
Below is a word document with the above three questions which can be filled in and either printed and delivered to the Parish Office, Marden Memorial Hall, Goudhurst Road, Marden TN12 9JX or sent electronically to [email protected]. Forms should be returned by 5pm Friday 12th April 2024.
Also below is a brief explanation of what is proposed.